App Store Cashback Promo

App Store Cashback Promo

Promo Mechanics

Select users can get a Php 30 cashback on your very first purchase on the App Store with GCash. User must be part of the communicated base. Minimum Spend of Php 50. Promo period is February 10 to February 28, 2021.

  1. GCash user to make a purchase on the App Store with GCash for the first time. 
  2. GCash user to receive their reward within 3-5 business days after their purchase.
  3. GCash user to receive an SMS regarding the cashback seeded to their account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Select users can get a Php 30 cashback on your very first purchase on the App Store with GCash. User must be part of the communicated base. Minimum Spend of Php 50. Promo period is February 10 to February 28, 2021.

Subscribers that receive the direct communication from GCash and have never made a purchase on the App Store with GCash can join this promo. 

Promo Period is from February 10 to February 28, 2021.

You can avail of the reward by making a purchase on the App Store with GCash. Purchase must be made within the promo period.

Cashback will be seeded to your GCash account within 5 business days after your purchase.

An SMS from GCash will be sent to you regarding your cashback. 

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