Underwood (Quant)

March 9 to 31, 2022

To understand the perceptions and behavior of GCash users who use GCash Mastercard/AMEX/Non-carded.

Categorized as Survey


January 13 to 20, 2022

To identify the reasons behind their previous rating on the NPS survey.

Categorized as Survey


January 17 to 28, 2022

‘To understand the loans category, GLoan business, and GLoan customers.

Categorized as Survey

GCash NPS Survey (Promo Card)

January 3 to December 31, 2022

To monitor the NPS of the GCash app, use cases, and features and to determine the level of satisfaction of our customers with GCash and the products within the app.

Categorized as Survey

GCash NPS Survey (Banner)

January 3 to December 31, 2022

To monitor the NPS of the GCash app, use cases, and features and to determine the level of satisfaction of our customers with GCash and the products within the app.

Categorized as Survey

GCash NPS Survey (SMS)

January 3 to December 31, 2022

To monitor the NPS of the GCash app, use cases, and features and to determine the level of satisfaction of our customers with GCash and the products within the app.

Categorized as Survey