Live Worry-Free By Avoiding These Misadventures

Live Worry-Free By Avoiding These Misadventures

In any given day, we commute, work, entertain ourselves, and manage to get home safely, enjoying the comfort of family and friends. Most of the time we go through our routines unconsciously, but sometimes we catch ourselves thinking intrusive thoughts: what if I stumbled through this open manhole? What if I tripped along these stairs?

These fears are morbid, irrational, and yet totally normal for us urban-dwellers. And so we’ve compiled a list of intrusive thoughts that bug and bind us all, so you’re reassured that you’re not alone.

Getting crushed by elevator doors

We always ask for faster elevators, but we should actually raise more demand for sensor-laden elevator doors. Being caught between closing elevator doors can be a painful and embarrassing experience. Be nice and always hold the elevator door for someone: you never know when you’ll need that favor back.

Falling onto the train tracks

The rush hour lines at the MRT, LRT, and PNR are bad enough. People jostling you when you’re trying to stand behind the yellow safety line on the platform is worse. We all need personal space between us and the incoming train, okay?

Sliding off your motorcycle ride

Motorcycle ride-hailing services can be a time-saver. They’ve brought us to our destinations fine, but we still couldn’t help but think of the smallest chance we could fall off. The next time you hail a bike ride from Makati to QC or wherever, thank your driver’s navigation skills by giving them a tip.

Your gadget exploding

Ah, the grandfather of all tech scares: your phone, laptop, or any other electronic device explodes into toast while you’re using it. You may have heard the news of tablets self-destructing in-flight and quickly checked to make sure it wasn’t your tablet model. Don’t worry, as long as we keep our gadgets from overheating or overcharging, we’re all probably fine. Probably.

Getting sick from street food

You’ve probably eaten food from jolli-jeeps and other street stalls, despite your parents’ numerous warnings. If kwek-kwek, betamax, siomai and other street food really had germs, we’ve probably become immune to them over time. Still, a few of us worry whenever we bite into perfect char-grilled isaw: will this turn into a nom-nom-no? Check the general cleanliness of the places you buy from before chowing down.

Falling off an apartment or office balcony

We covet the awesome views found in rooftops and balcony spaces. But anyone who has ever stood next to a balcony railing has had this thought process at some point: Amazing view! I shouldn’t look straight down. Oh no, I looked straight down. I could fall off! Yikes. That’s just your spider senses warning you against danger, but still, we feel you.

Kidding aside, we all encounter situations where we’re confronted by our own mortality. And it’s all not just in fearful situations; even occasions like getting married, having kids, and spending time with your parents bring about these moments of worry. Do yourself a favor and ease these worries by getting insured.

Most insurance policies play hard to get — why bother with long forms, medical exams, and high monthly payments when you can use all that money to buy more isaw? The answer: because you owe it to yourself. You’re loved, you deserve love, and you deserve to be protected from such stresses of daily life. It’s why we came up with GCash Insurance*, an easier way to get insured.

There are no forms: just pick the SMS code of the insurance product you prefer (such as INSUREME39), and text it to 2158-9628 (for Globe users) & 22565-9628 (for non-Globe users). For as low as Php 39 a month, you’ll get accident and life coverage worth Php 25,000 and above. No forms, no exams, and no more worries about what will happen should one of these misadventures actually come true for you (we hope not). Next to food, that’s got to be the cheapest, easiest mental vacation ever.

*Currently available to fully-verified GCash users.

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