[ARCHIVE] Sendwave to GCash Promo

Sendwave to GCash Promo

Send for the first time via Sendwave to GCash and use the promo code SendGCash and earn USD20.00 or approx Php1,000.00 on top of the total remittance transactions!

Promo ends in

Promo Mechanics

  1. Send for the first time via Sendwave to GCash and use the promo code SendGCash and earn USD20.00 or approx Php1,000.00 on top of the total remittance transactions Promo is valid from May 8, 2022 – June 8, 2022.
  2. Available for all new and existing GCash users. However, customers who have been determined to be fraudulent or abusive in any ongoing or completed GCash promotion are automatically disqualified.
  3. Customer who uses multiple account(s) or SIM(s) will be treated as one unique customer.
  4. GCash, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse the awarding of rewards for suspicion of abuse or fraud in concurrence with DTI.
  5. GCash, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse the awarding of rewards for users that have unpaid FUSE loans in concurrence with DTI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Verified GCash users whose accounts are not tagged as suspicious or blacklisted.

Ask your family abroad to send money via Sendwave and input the promo code SendGCash

You just need to make sure that:

  • Your account is fully verified
  • Provide the correct GCash mobile number and name

For more information, you may visit this link: https://help.gcash.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025275074-How-do-I-receive-remittance-through-GCash

Just ask your sender to download the Sendwave app

If you are registered to GCash and your account is verified, then you can receive remittance via GCash. You may find your status in the profile section of the app

You just need to download or update to the latest GCash App, tap the hamburger menu (3 lines) on the top left corner of the screen, and click verification status below your name. A message will appear telling you to get fully verified and you can follow the steps from there.

You will get a notification around 30 minutes after completing the verification process. After you receive the notification, you can already receive money.

Please ask your sender to coordinate with Sendwave for the status of the transaction.

Additional USD 20.00 is automatically converted to peso and credited to your GCash wallet together with the remittance amount

Conversion will be determined by Sendwave at point of transaction of the sender

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