7 Workouts You Can Enjoy at Home

7 Workouts You Can Enjoy at Home

Posted on April 30, 2020 | 2 minute read

The extended Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) is not an excuse to forget about your fitness goals. Months ago, you may have been motivated to finish work early so you can wear your favorite workout clothes to the gym. But now that all you see around are snacks, your cozy bed, and more snacks, your motivation surely has been decreasing.

So, we’re here to remind you that you can take advantage of your time at home to workout! You don’t even need to pay for membership. All you need are your exercise mat, workout shoes (you can even go barefoot depending on your routine), and loose, comfortable clothes. 

Enjoy the following videos online seamlessly when you buy load and surf combos on GCash! All you have to do is buy load straight from the app to any mobile number. Even better, you can easily and safely do while at home!


High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, are short but intense exercise routines with low-intensity exercises or periods of rest in between. This means you’ll be moving almost non-stop for a minimum of 10 minutes. It will give your cardio-respiratory health a boost and help you burn more calories in a short amount of time. So find a space where you can do front or back lunges and follow this 10-minute HIIT workout now. 

Core & bodyweight workout

For body weight workouts, here’s a beginner-friendly video you can follow. You won’t need any equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells to work on your strength. You just have to use the right muscles! You’ll surely develop a better balance and posture when you follow the routines correctly, as they help strengthen your core.

Ab workout in bed

Don’t feel like jumping and doing high-intensity routines? You can literally lie in bed and work out by following this 10-minute total ab workout in bed. Expect to do lots of crunches for this routine, since it’s the most that you can do while lying down. Working out in a slightly unstable surface like your bed can help improve your balance and build your core strength. And that’s another reason to love your bed!

Aerobic dance

Get your body moving to the beat by following this simple aerobic exercise! Aerobic workouts usually feature repetitive movements, making it easy to follow even if you’re a beginner. You won’t need to lie down and use a mat too, since you’ll be doing upper body and leg movements. Aside from this dance routine, you can do other simple aerobic exercises. Some of these are skipping, jogging in place, and doing jumping jacks, burpees, and mountain climbers.

Arm & shoulder workout

Between full-body exercises, you can also exercise arms and shoulders to strengthen and tone your muscles. Prepare your dumbbells (or bags of rice, jugs of water, and thick books as alternatives) and follow this 5-minute arm and shoulder workout video. The more you get used to this workout, the easier carrying bags of groceries or laundry baskets would be because you’ll develop stronger arms.

Full body workout

Who says you need gym equipment to do a full-body workout? Clear up a space where you can freely move. Then prepare a scarf and your exercise mat and you’re ready to do this full-body workout! If you don’t have enough time in a week to focus on different body parts per routine, you can try this efficient exercise that works on your whole body, too.

Easy exercise with kids

Need a distraction to lessen the boredom and screen time for your younger siblings, kids, nieces, or nephews? Make the most of your time at home by staying fit together! Here’s a 15-minute workout routine that you and the kids at home can try. This routine doesn’t include any jumping, so rest assured you can both finish this with ease.

The best time to start working out is now! Just remember not to push yourself too hard and practice proper postures during workouts, especially if you’re a beginner. Also, don’t forget to do warm-up and stretching exercises respectively before trying any of the videos mentioned. This prepares your body for the routines and protects you from soreness or injury.

To stream these videos easily, you can buy load or surf combos with GCash in just a few taps! Buy load for all networks or even broadband packages using the app. You’ll have access to exclusive load combos, and you’ll also get 5% rebate for every load purchase! 

To do this, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Tap ‘Buy Load’ on the app dashboard      
  2. Input the mobile number you want to buy load for       
  3. Input the load amount or select a load combo        
  4. Confirm payment
  5. Wait for in-app and SMS confirmation 

Buy load with GCash now so you can do home workout exercises as you #StaySafeAtHome!

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